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Women's Center at Westover Hills
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Urinary Incontinence

Don’t Just Live with Leaks! See Your Provider for Answers.

There are two main types of urinary incontinence. These are stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and urge urinary incontinence.

If you have stress urinary incontinence (SUI), you may lose urine when you:
  • Laugh, sneeze or cough
  • Walk or exercise
  • Get up from a seated or lying position.
  • Have intercourse
If you have urge urinary incontinence you might have
  • Sudden losses of urine without any warning
  • The inability to reach the toilet soon enough when the urge to void arises
  • To plot out a trip around town based on the location of certain restrooms

What Can You Do If You Have Incontinence?

First, talk to your provider. With your help, he or she can determine the type and cause of your incontinence, which is the first step toward finding the best treatment for you. There are many treatment options for incontinence including pelvic physical therapy, pessary placement, and minimally invasive surgical procedures.

From Our Patients

“She is a great doctor, and brings with her a sense of comfort hard to find in other professionals. I’d recommend her to everyone! Thank you, Dr. Akonye, for your dedication.” – Priscilla Terrazas